This map visualizes data on grain procurement, grain loans, and grain stocks in Ukraine between December 1932 and May 1933.
The base colors represent data on fulfillment of the plan for grain procurement of sowing grain stocks, as of December 10, 1932. The darkest color shade indicates forty percent plan completion. The slightly lighter color shade indicates plan completion between 20 - 28 percent. The lightest shade indicates plan completion between 13 - 17 percent.
Simple hatches and a crosshatch patterning represent data on fulfillment of the plan for grain procurement in the collective farm sector, as of January 1, 1933. Simple hatching indicates plan fulfillment between 70 - 76 percent and 85 - 92 percent. Crosshatch indicates plan fulfillment of 100 percent.
Circles of different sizes represent data on grain loans (in thousands of pouds) decreed by the government of the Soviet Union to be distributed to Ukraine's seven oblasts between May 28-30, 1933. The largest circles, marking Dnipropetrovsk and Odesa oblasts, indicate loans of 300 thousand poods each. The medium size circles, marking Vinnytsia, Kyiv, and Kharkiv oblasts, indicate loans of 135, 200 and 200 thousand poods respectively. The smallest size circles, marking Chernihiv and Donetsk oblasts, indicate loans of 30 and 100 thousand poods respectively.
Data for sowing grain stocks procurement fulfillment is from:
R. Ia. Pyrih, ed., Holodomor 1932-1933 rokiv v Ukraïni: dokumenty i materialy (Kyiv 2007), document no. 356 ("Зведення Наркомзему УСРР про закладання колгоспами насіннєвих фондів (станом на 10 грудня 1932 р.)") (Project record: 7711)
The source provides figures for given plan completion ("закладання колгоспами насіннєвих фондів") as a percentage. The figures are as follows:
Moldavia: 13.4%; Vinnytsia: 14.2%; Kyiv: 20.6%; Odesa: 22.3%; Dnipropetrovsk: 40%; Kharkiv: 16.4%; Donetsk: 27.9%; Chernihiv: 27%
Data for collective farm sector procurement plan fulfillment is from:
R. Ia. Pyrih, ed., Holodomor 1932-1933 rokiv v Ukraïni: dokumenty i materialy (Kyiv 2007), document no. 415 ("Повідомлення газети «Вісті ВУЦВК» про хід хлібозаготівлі в Україні на 1 січня 1933 року") (Project record: 7762)
The source provides percentages for agricultural year procurements plan completion in the collective farm sector as a percentage. The figures are as follows:
Moldavia: 88.6%; Vinnytsia: 100%; Kyiv: 100%; Odesa: 72.9%; Dnipropetrovsk: 70.2%; Kharkiv: 85.5%; Donetsk: 75.8%; Chernihiv: 91.9%
Data for grain loans (in thousands of poods) decreed by the government of the Soviet Union, May 28-30 1933 is from:
A) R. Ia. Pyrih, ed., Holodomor 1932-1933 rokiv v Ukraïni: dokumenty i materialy (Kyiv 2007), document nos. 577 ("Постанова Політбюро ЦК ВКП(б) про продовольчу позику Україні"), dated May 28 1933, and 579 ("Постанова РНК СРСР про продовольчу позику Україні"), dated May 29 1933 (Project records: 7863 & 7866)
Both documents contain the instruction, "Отпустить ржи для оказания продовольственной помощи колхозам, дополнительно к ранее отпущенной ссуде" (Rye to be distributed as food assistance to collective farms in addition to previously released loans (in thousands of poods) in the following amounts:
Odesa: 300; Dnipropetrovsk: 300; Donetsk: 100
B) R. Ia. Pyrih, ed., Holodomor 1932-1933 rokiv v Ukraïni: dokumenty i materialy (Kyiv 2007), document no. 582 ("Постанова Політбюро ЦК ВКП(б) про продовольчу позику Україні"), dated May 30 1933 (Project record: 7867)
The document contains the instruction, "Отпустить Украине дополнительно продпомощь в размере 500 тыс пудов ржи" (Release additional food assistance to Ukraine in the form of 500,000 poods of rye). The specific figures are:
Vinnytsia: 135; Kyiv: 135; Kharkiv: 200; Chernihiv: 30
Similar amounts were requested by the Ukrainian leadership in R. Ia. Pyrih, ed., Holodomor 1932-1933 rokiv v Ukraïni: dokumenty i materialy (Kyiv 2007), document no. 578 ("Лист С. Косіора та В. Чубаря до Й. Сталіна про необхідність виділенняодаткової продовольчої позики окремим областям України"), dated May 29 1933. (Project record: 7865)