This map visualizes data on the grain harvest in Ukraine in 1921.
Districts to the south of the purple dividing line across the center of Ukraine were classified as starving (golodnyi). Of these, shading indicates districts with a net grain harvest below 180 lbs per member of the rural population. No shading indicates that there was no harvest.
To the north of the dividing line, the lightest shading indicates districts without grain surplus, with 180 - 360 lbs of grain per member of the rural population. The more darkly shaded districts indicate districts classified as in good condition (blagopoluchnyi). The darkest shade indicates grain harvest per member of the rural population of over 540lbs.
The district boundary lines represent those of the administrative division as of January 1922.
The original upon which this map is based was produced by the Central Committee of the Commission on the Consequences of the Famine under the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the all-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets (TsK Posledgol pri VUTsIK-e), using data provided by the Central Directorate for Statistics of Ukraine (TsSU Ukrainy).