
The Chart widget displays quantitative attributes from an operational layer as a graphical representation of data. It makes it easier for end users to observe possible patterns and trends out of raw data. The operational layer can be:

      • A feature layer in the current map
      • A feature layer as an item in the portal
      • A feature layer from ArcGIS Server REST Service

A chart can represent the attribute values of a single field, aggregated values for multiple fields, or the total counts for features. A bar or column chart can even represent the attribute values of multiple fields as clustered bars and columns. When using the Chart widget, you can also specify a spatial filter to request only desired features to be in the chart.

Generally, there are four options to analyze and calculate, then to display values of a feature layer as charts:

  • Display values feature by feature—Displays values feature by feature. The chart depicts values of one or multiple fields for each feature in the layer.
  • Display values by category—This chart depicts statistical values of one or multiple fields for each category of features in the layer.
  • Display feature counts by category—This chart depicts total feature counts for each category of features in the layer.
  • Display attribute values as charts—This chart depicts the statistical value for a specified field or fields in the layer. 

When displaying attribute values as bars, lines, or segments in a pie chart, a statistical operator is performed on the field values. The aggregate can be one of the following:

  • The average value across features
  • The maximum value of all features
  • The minimum value of all features
  • The total value of all features

When the Chart widget is activated in the application, provide three inputs to run it:

      1. Select a task to execute the chart.
      2. Make a spatial selection in the map by using the current map extent or drawing a graphic on the map. If the spatial selection results into a valid selection set, the chart automatically displays in the Chart Results tab when you click APPLY.
        Use spatial filter
      3. Hovering over each individual piece in the chart displays the category value and the field value, and the corresponding feature highlights on the map. Clicking each individual piece in the chart zooms to the charted features on the map. When more than one type of chart is configured, click the arrows to navigate through the individual types.
        Chart results
      4. Click the Display settingDisplay setting icon to change the chart display if you don't like the predefined one.
      5. Click the Enlarge tool to view the chart better.
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